PR In us

A PR firm will manage your company’s reputation through owned, earned and paid communication. Typically, public relations firms handle messaging to the press. The main goals of a PR firm are brand awareness and reputation management. PR and marketing can work together by aligning their goals. For example, people may become aware of your brand through PR tactics such as an organic social media presence,And then your marketing strategy such as Facebook ads can convert into sales.

Where and How to Apply for a us?

Studying in the US is the dream for many students and understandably so. It’s a vast and beautiful country with a top tier education system. But perhaps you’ve heard of the complex college application process and are feeling stressed? Try not to worry, once you understand how it works, it will seem a lot more manageable.

US PR Benefits

Right to Live and Work in Canada

Extend or renew your visa after 5 years

Allows you to bring your family along!

Free Education for children

Universal Healthcare

Social Benefits

Road to Canadian Citizenship